Different Ways of saying thank you in Different languages

A simple thank you is great…but why not spice it up a little? Instead of just saying, “Thank you,” write or make a video of you telling them thank you in different languages. Some examples might be, “Gracias! Merci! Danke schoen! Spasibo! Mahalo!” and any other ways or languages you can think of. (The ones listed above are Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Hawaiian, in case you were wondering.) If you want to really get tricky about it, say a short phrase in each language that conveys why you’re thanking them!

 saying thank you in different ways

different ways of saying thank you in japanese
different ways of saying thank you in spanish
different ways of saying thank you in different languages
different ways of saying thank you in korean
different ways of saying thank you in english
different ways to say thank you on facebook
different ways to say thank you in email
different ways to say thank you for birthday wishes
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