Birthday wishes in sanskrit

 Here are a few birthday wishes in Sanskrit:

  1. "Janmadina shubhakanksham" - "Happy birthday"
  2. "Janmadina shubhakankshaya" - "Wishing you a happy birthday"
  3. "Sarve janah sukhinah bhavantu" - "May all people be happy"
  4. "Arogya, dhana, vrddhi, sarva-siddhiksam" - "May you have good health, wealth, growth, and success"
  5. "Janmadina shubhakankshaya, arogya, dhana, vrddhi, sarva-siddhiksam" - "Wishing you a happy birthday, good health, wealth, growth, and success"
  6. "Jivantu visvam arthaya" - "May you live long for the benefit of the world"
  7. "Vardhantu sarvah karmasu" - "May all your actions flourish"
  8. "Sarve janah sukhinah bhavantu, sarvatra sukhinah bhavantu" - "May all people be happy everywhere"
  9. "Sarvatah sampadam labhantu" - "May you attain all prosperity"
  10. "Sarvatah sampad
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